13 July 2009

Hello. You know my name and I am a freakin' Twitter addict.
You can follow me if you like. These days, it's faster to find e and get a response there than through email. Twitter is like crack for rumour mongers, idle gossipers and news addicts. That's how I started..... simple news addiction. Now, I'm hooked.

12 March 2009

I hate daylight savings time.

What is the real need for this time manipulation? What does Arizona and Hawaii understand that the rest of the country doesn't? Is there really a savings of anything? In a few weeks, many of us can keep our air conditioning on longer since we won't be able to enjoy the cooling evening brings. We can have trouble falling asleep each night because we are outside doing yard work or running errands until realizing bedtime was a little over an hour away. Then, there's always the fight to wake up with the alarm and make the drive to work an hour before the sun comes up. Yeah, that's a savings.


16 February 2009

My computers drive me crazy. Why don't they do what you want them to do fast and when you want it? I have no patience for my computers. I keep tweaking and still can't make them right. It's like hair. You get it right the day it's cut, then you never get it that way again. So between my little ADD, a crappy cable company connect speed and too many utilities for my own good, I get too frustrated to even get Firefox up and running.

So, that's all I got.

29 January 2009

I knew I wouldn't post something everyday, but wow, 2 1/2 years?

Happy change!
Ah, the optimism and outlook of the country even with this tanked economy is a good feeling. Is my mind doing better recently because of this change? Could be. Not much else has happened that should make me think more clearly. I've never been involved in politics and only followed through the news and a very few issues that may effect me personally. Hey, the change in Washington is as good a reason as any to have a better mindset!

I'm still working on paying off bills, living in a small place, driving an old tired car, working too many hours and taking care of my beautiful, elderly cat. I got another cat last year to keep the older one company. He's cute but I think he was more feral than first thought. It's obvious he had a very rough start in life and it has taken time to get him just to be calm when we pick him up. He's very active- doing all sorts of "normal" cat things. I've been spoiled by the older one who is more like a person than a cat. Are cats supposed to eat pancakes and drink out of a glass? Well, now there's just twice as much poop in the boxes and more barf on the floor. I have thought about getting another cat as I look through adoption pages. It's worse than browsing on E-bay. My kids warn me about becoming "one of those old ladies with a bunch of cats".... What number is too many? It's like kids. One or two is okay, but can you have too many?

OMG, that woman in LA with the octuplets. Can you believe there's a report now that she already had SIX kids and may be living with her parents? Okay, THAT IS too many kids. Short of having won a mega lotto, how could you take care of so many?

Take an average thing like housing. What's an average bedroom size in the US? 12x12? 14x14? How many kids can you pack into one room? A bed on every wall- 4 kids to a room plus some kind of storage for clothes and toys- still would need a 5 bedroom place. How do you fit 15 people around the dinner table? How do you take them/some of them/any of them to the doctor, playground, school? You need more than a van, you need a bus! If it is true there's already kids at home, I need to put my vote on the side of this is too many kids. So when do you get too many pets? If you can adequately take care of them with food, water, vet care and clean litter boxes, is there a number that's too many? 5? 10? 50? 100? I do think 50 or 100 is too many. Other than fish or spiders, that's too many. But is 5 too many or even 10? The key point is being able to care for them with attention, proper food (they're not cattle- don't throw handfuls of Cat Chow out once or twice a day) and clean litter may mean 5 is a good number for one person and zero is the number for someone else. Be responsible. For now anyways, I'm just browsing.

18 June 2006

I saw this film a few days ago and am still thinking of some of the images. It's a sad state to know that so many in this country will ignore the message of the film because of the messenger. Even if you don't see the film, I'll just ask of those reading these words, to just do something, anything no matter how small to help keep this plant stay alive as we know it.
There's plenty of sites dedicated to global warming but the official site for this film is:

This could start a whole rant about oversized SUVs and why General Motors has been in trouble financially the past few months (years). Gas prices higher every week and now to push their inferior product, they lure the consumer with "$1.99 gas" for a year. Hey, let's keep telling the EPA we still can't meet the mpg regs! Bigger is always better, right?


Please, make it stop!

28 May 2006

It's Memorial Day weekend in the U.S. What a better time to start this blog and "memorialize" some of my thoughts and memories with anyone that may stumble across this space. I make no promise of when I may post or the content or at what point, it will just fade away.

I want to share pictures, links or memories that are important to me at the moment I put them up. I'm not a political person, though I've got my viewpoint and I'll probably share them. I wish to just give the point of view I support at a moment and perhaps encourage the viewer to explore and think outside their own box if they don't agree on the surface.

Let's see where we go from here.